
help us

Support victims & create change

Volunteers are at the heart of everything we do. Our volunteers help mentor survivors, organize events, pray for our community and more. If you're ready to help bring an end to child trafficking and sexual exploitation in our community, reach out to us about our volunteer opportunities.

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Volunteer Opportunities

We take a holistic approach to ending the sexual exploitation and trafficking of children and teens. We help prevent victimization through programs in local schools to educate teens on the signs of abuse and what healthy relationships look like. We train community members like foster parents, social workers, and first responders on how to identify the victims of sexual exploitation or human trafficking so they can report these offenders. And most importantly, we empower young survivors to overcome the adverse effects of trauma and believe in a hopeful life outside of sexual exploitation.

At Safe Passage, we take a holistic approach to ending the sexual exploitation and trafficking of children and teens. We help prevent victimization through programs in local schools to educate teens on the signs of abuse and what healthy relationships look like. We train community members like foster parents, social workers, and first responders on how to identify the victims of sexual exploitation or human trafficking so they can report these offenders. And most importantly, we empower young survivors to overcome the adverse effects of trauma and believe in a hopeful life outside of sexual exploitation.


Survivor Mentorship

Prayer Team

Looking for a one-time volunteer opportunity?

Help us build relationships with our survivors through welcome gifts and care packages. You purchase items like lip gloss, candy, journals, pens, and more and assemble them into beautiful gifts.


Become a Mentor

With all of the traumatic experiences embedded in a survivors life, these youth often struggle to have a clear understanding of what a healthy, supportive relationships look like. Mentors can begin to fill in this gap by simply showing up on a consistent basis, investing in the youth, and creating boundaries. By modeling a healthy relationship, mentors can provide their mentee with a healthy pattern for future interactions with friends, significant others, family, and other personal relationships.

Mentorship helps survivors by:

  • Encouraging growth and healing
  • Creating social support and connection
  • Providing a supportive, consistent presence
  • Helping them achieve their full potential

Go to mentoring.org to learn more about the power of mentorship.

We are in need of mentors! Join us in helping victims find hope and healing for a brighter future ahead.


create an impact

Volunteer Sign-Up

Interested in volunteering? We're so happy you're here! Please fill out the form below and we will reach out soon.

Volunteer Interest

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